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European decisions are not up to the task
Introduces: Berthin Nzonza, President of the Mosaic
– Actions for Refugees Intervening:Yagoub Kibeida: ECRE Viewpoint– European Council for Refugees,
Maurizio Veglio: ASGI – Association for Legal Studies on Immigration
Patrick Konde:International Coalition of Sans Papier, Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Suad Omar: Hand in hand committee against racism
What happens on the other side of the sea?
Garnaoui Wael: Association Psychologues Solidaires, Tunisia. Project Lost Generations, Think the cure in
Border Territories (Frantz Fanon Association, Funds 8×100 of the Valdese Church)
Moderate Colette Meffire (MOSAIC – Refugee Actions)