Webinar "Secondary Movement - Hidden Challanges" - Mosaico Azioni per i Rifugiati
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Webinar “Secondary Movement – Hidden Challanges”

Webinar “Secondary Movement – Hidden Challanges”

Despite increased discussions and activities on complementary pathways into protection into the EU in recent years, one issue has emerged but rarely been discussed: the secondary movement of beneficiaries of complementary pathways.

While the secondary movement of asylum seekers is well-known, the secondary movement of beneficiaries of complementary pathways raises a number of important questions regarding

  • target groups and their aspirations;
  • programme set-up;
  • reception and integration;
  • remedial action.

As complementary pathways expand and multiply, the interactive webinar “Secondary movement: hidden challenges” for practitioners, experts and those wanting to become either in the area of complementary pathways will consider this important issue.


The webinar is organised by the Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) as part of the COMET project.

26th October 2023, 10.30-12.00 (Brussels time)

Register here


COMET’s website:  https://www.cometnetwork.eu/


Who is Comet

COMET (COMplementary pathways nETwork) is an interlocking system of legal channels for migration into Europe. It is a transnational partnership involving organisations from Italy, Spain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and United Kingdom. The network’s diverse channels offer potential beneficiaries an enhanced prospect of successful integration, appropriately setting expectations, matching them to a location with which they have a genuine connection and to a scheme which maximises their potential and thereby minimises the likelihood of secondary movement. Through structured exchange, a common set of tools and procedures and careful monitoring and evaluation, the project embeds good practice and minimum standards for all participating pathways.

COMET will provide a model for Europe by fostering collaboration between different stakeholders at a transnational level in order to develop a network of diverse legal pathways across Europe for people in need of protection trapped along the Central Mediterranean Route.